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Join the World Record Attempt: Khelo Chess India FIDE Blitz Chess Tournament on July 20

by Niklesh Jain - 26/06/2024

Friends, if you want to be a part of the Guinness Book of World Records, here is a golden opportunity for you. On the upcoming 20th of July, when the World Chess Federation will be celebrating its 100th anniversary, FIDE, along with organizers from around the world, will officially attempt to set a world record on World Chess Day. You can be a part of this special effort by participating in the Khelo Chess India FIDE Blitz Rating Tournament in Bhopal from 5 PM to 9 PM. This tournament in Bhopal is part of a series organized by FIDE worldwide. Following the success of the Khelo Chess India Classical FIDE Rating Tournament, this will be our second FIDE Rating Tournament. It will be broadcast live on ChessBase India Hindi and several times on FIDE's channel. The entry fee for this tournament is only 250 rupees. Read this article for more information and register soon to be a part of this unique effort.

Khelo Chess India FIDE 100 World Record Attempt, Blitz FIDE Rating Tournament

Friends, on the upcoming 20th of July, the World Chess Federation will complete 100 years since its establishment. To commemorate this occasion, FIDE is going to attempt a world record for the most official matches played within 24 hours. ChessBase India and Bhopal will also be a part of this effort. On the 20th of July, from 5 PM to 9 PM, the Khelo Chess India FIDE Rating Blitz Tournament will be held. This tournament will not only be an opportunity for you to achieve, increase, or decrease your FIDE Blitz rating but also provide you with a chance to be part of a world record.

Earlier this month, from the 4th to the 9th of June, we organized a Classical FIDE Rating Tournament in Bhopal. Read about it in this article.

The tournament will be held on the 20th of July and has been included in FIDE's official attempt for the Guinness World Record.

The tournament will be played over a duration of approximately 4 hours. Interestingly, for the first time, advanced chess software and books will be given as prizes instead of direct cash prizes.

The entry fee for the tournament is only 250 rupees. Fill out this form to register.

AICF registration is mandatory for all players. Read all the information and rules here.  

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IVEI is now the official trophy partner for Khelo Chess India.

You can get more information about these special prizes given by ChessBase India through our online shop.

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