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MPL 47th National Women R5: Maharashtra's Sakshi and Divya share the lead

by Shahid Ahmed - 28/02/2022

Maharashtra's WGM Divya Deshmukh and WIM Sakshi Chitlange have emerged as the co-leaders at MPL 47th National Women Chess Championship 2022. Both Sakshi and Divya seized their advantage in the major piece endgame against WGM Mary Ann Gomes (PSPB) and WIM Priyanka Nutakki (AP) respectively. They will inevitably face each other in the sixth round. Top seed IM Vaishali (TN) was held to another draw. It was WIM Arpita Mukherjee (WB) this time. WIM Mounika Akshaya (AP) also continues great form as she beat WGM Nandhidhaa P V (TN). Round 6 starts today at 9:00 a.m. IST. Photo: IA Suresh Chandra Sahoo

Sakshi in a superb form

WIM Sakshi Chitlange beat WGM Mary Ann Gomes to be one of the two leaders | Photo: IA Suresh Chandra Sahoo

Vaishali - Arpita: 0.5-0.5

IM Vaishali (TN) made a dubious exchange sacrifice in the endgame against WIM Arpita Mukherjee (WB).

Position after 27.Rxa7+

Black had to take it 27...Bxa7 28.Rxa7 Kf8 and the position equalized. Instead, 28...Kf6 would have been interesting for Black. The bishop pair would not have been able to do much even if the king ventured out in the open.

WIM Arpita Mukherjee had a half chance against IM Vaishali | Photo: IA Suresh Chandra Sahoo

Sakshi - Mary: 1-0

WGM Mary Ann Gomes (PSPB) captured a wrong pawn by declining a rook exchange in the endgame. Her opponent WIM Sakshi Chitlange (MAH) who is in fantastic form, seized her opportunity.

Position after 35...Rxa2

35...Rxd3 36.Qxd3 Qc8 and Black remains fine. However, 35...Rxa2 allows White to exploit Black's back rank weakness 36.Rd8+ Kg7 37.Qa8 and it's all over. Black cannot do much except give a couple of checks in the first two ranks. The king can eventually find a shelter from checks at c3.

WGM Srija Seshadri (TN) - IM Soumya Swaminathan (PSPB): 0.5-0.5 | Photo: IA Suresh Chandra Sahoo

Divya - Priyanka Nutakki: 1-0

The solid Petroff's Defence did not work out for WIM Priyanka Nutakki (AP). The latter incorrectly decided to exchange a pawn, which cost her one.

Position after 25...Rd4

25...g6 to defend f5-pawn would have been ideal. 25...Rd4 led to 26.Rxf5 Rxf4 27.Rxf4 Rxf4 28.Qd3 and Black loses a6-pawn due to the threat of Qd7. The passed pawn at e6 decided the fate of the game.

WGM Divya Deshmukh (MAH) beat WIM Priyanka Nutakki (AP) to stay in the lead | Photo: IA Suresh Chandra Sahoo

Mounika - Nandhidhaa: 1-0

Sometimes a tiny inaccuracy can have huge repercussions. WGM Nandhidhaa P V (TN) offered an exchange at the wrong square which worked in WIM Mounika Akshaya's (AP) favor.

Position after 24...Nc4

24...Na4 would have been fine for Black, however 24...Nc4 is not. Find out the minute difference between them.

WIM Mounika Akshaya scored an excellent win over WGM Nandhidhaa | Photo: IA Suresh Chandra Sahoo

WIM Savitha Shri B (TN) - WCM Bristy Mukherjee (WB): 0.5-0.5 | Photo: IA Suresh Chandra Sahoo

WFM Jyothsna L (TN) - WIM Parnali Dharia (MAH): 0.5-0.5 | Photo: IA Suresh Chandra Sahoo

Sarayu - Varshini: 1-0

Sarayu Velpula (TEL) scored a clinical victory over WGM Varshini V (TN).

Sarayu Velpula (TEL) - WGM Varshini (TN): 1-0 | Photo: IA Suresh Chandra Sahoo

WGM Kiran Manisha Mohanty (ODI) - Tejaswini G (TN): 0.5-0.5 | Photo: IA Suresh Chandra Sahoo

The Odisha Women flanked by IM Padmini Rout (left) and WGM Kiran Manisha Mohanty (right) | Photo: IA Suresh Chandra Sahoo

The tournament hall at KITT University, Bhubaneswar | Photo: IA Suresh Chandra Sahoo

For more Round 5 photos, click here.


A total of 102 players including 5 IMs, 8 WGMs and 10 WIMs are taking part in this tournament organized by All Odisha Chess Association. The event is taking place at KIIT at Bhubaneswar, Odisha from 25th February to 2nd March 2022. The nine-round Swiss league tournament has a time control of 90 minutes + 30 seconds increment from move no.1

National Championship Contest

Your task is to guess the winner in both Open and Women's section correctly. Three winners will be chosen and given some exciting ChessBase India goodies!

National Championship 2022 contest | Video: ChessBase India

1st Prize - Chess Course by FA FT Praful Zaveri (7 books) worth ₹4999

2nd Prize - ChessBase India Premium Chess Set worth ₹1999

3rd Prize - ChessBase India Round Neck T-Shirt worth ₹599.55

Replay Round 5 games

Round 5 results

11IMVaishali R2403TN½ - ½WIMArpita Mukherjee2260WB11
219WIMChitlange Sakshi2205MAH1 - 0WGMGomes Mary Ann2361PSPB4
316WGMSrija Seshadri2219TN½ - ½IMSoumya Swaminathan2360PSPB5
48WGMDivya Deshmukh2301MAH1 - 0WIMPriyanka Nutakki2301AP9
520WFMPandey Srishti2177MAH30 - 13IMKulkarni Bhakti2388GOA2
624WFMBommini Mounika Akshaya2145AP31 - 03WGMNandhidhaa P V2380TN3
76IMPadmini Rout2350PSPB31 - 03WGMSwati Ghate2136LIC25
828Nimmy A.G.2110KER30 - 13WGMPratyusha Bodda2328AP7
912WIMSavitha Shri B2257TN3½ - ½3WCMBristy Mukherjee1856WB41
1027Bala Kannamma P2120TN30 - 13WIMSharma Isha2253KAR13
1114WIMPriyanka K2227TN31 - 03WIMMichelle Catherina P2176TN21
1230WFMJyothsna L2052TN3½ - ½3WIMParnali S Dharia2224MAH15
1339Velpula Sarayu1875TEL31 - 03WGMVarshini V2206TN17
1418WFMSalonika Saina2206ORI31 - 03WFMLakshmi C1968TN35
1522WGMKiran Manisha Mohanty2168LIC½ - ½Tejaswini G1742TN45
1640Jayashree P.K.1864TN0 - 1IMMohota Nisha2147PSPB23
1742Ishvi Aggarwal1833HAR0 - 1WFMHarshini A2131TN26
1834Deodhar Vrushali Umesh1974MAH½ - ½Smaraki Mohanty1725ORI47
1937WFMKotepalli Sai Nirupama1914AP0 - 1Sachi Jain1401DEL66
2046Sheena E.1730KER0 - 12Supriya Maji2093WB29


Round 6 pairings

18WGMDivya Deshmukh2301MAHWIMChitlange Sakshi2205MAH19
21IMVaishali R2403TN44WIMPriyanka K2227TN14
32IMKulkarni Bhakti2388GOA44WGMSrija Seshadri2219TN16
45IMSoumya Swaminathan2360PSPB44WFMSalonika Saina2206ORI18
513WIMSharma Isha2253KAR44IMPadmini Rout2350PSPB6
67WGMPratyusha Bodda2328AP44Velpula Sarayu1875TEL39
711WIMArpita Mukherjee2260WB44WFMBommini Mounika Akshaya2145AP24
823IMMohota Nisha2147PSPBWGMGomes Mary Ann2361PSPB4
99WIMPriyanka Nutakki2301APWFMJyothsna L2052TN30
1026WFMHarshini A2131TNWIMSavitha Shri B2257TN12
1115WIMParnali S Dharia2224MAHWCMBristy Mukherjee1856WB41
1266Sachi Jain1401DEL3WIMRakshitta Ravi2278TN10
133WGMNandhidhaa P V2380TN33Deodhar Vrushali Umesh1974MAH34
1417WGMVarshini V2206TN33Anupam M Sreekumar1724KER48
1535WFMLakshmi C1968TN33WFMPandey Srishti2177MAH20
1621WIMMichelle Catherina P2176TN33Abhirami Madabushi1777TEL44
1749Keerti Shree Reddy1721TN33WGMKiran Manisha Mohanty2168LIC22
1825WGMSwati Ghate2136LIC33Meenatchi Rajam V1692TN50
1945Tejaswini G1742TN33Bala Kannamma P2120TN27
2047Smaraki Mohanty1725ORI33Nimmy A.G.2110KER28


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