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Deep Sengupta wins Najdorf Memorial for the second consecutive year

by Shahid Ahmed - 27/07/2024

GM Deep Sengupta and GM Eduardas Rozentalis (LTU) scored 7.5/9 each at 23rd Najdorf Memorial A 2024. Deep won the tournament due to better tie-breaks, Eduardas was placed second. GM Valery Kazakouski (LTU) and GM Lukasz Jarmula (POL) scored 7/9 each. They secured third and fourth place respectively. The multi-time Hastings Masters and former Commonwealth gold medalist won this tournament for the second consecutive year. This time he bettered his performance by scoring a half point more and remained undefeated. The total prize fund of the festival was 45000 PLN, 24000 PLN in A, 12000 in B and 9000 in C. The top three prizes were 8000, 4000 and 3000 PLN each respectively in the A category. This is Deep's second rating tournament triumph of the year.

Deep overcomes all travel woes

The Warsaw Chess Festival 2024 witnessed a combined participation of 701 (Group A, B, C and Blitz).

Champion - GM Deep Sengupta 7.5/9

Deep - Krasenkow, Round 5

Position after 23.Rd1

GM Deep Sengupta (2491) very nicely improved his position after his legendary opponent, GM Michal Krasenkow (POL, 2520) played 22...d5. While d5 is not a mistake, it helps in creating a new weakness and target for White. 23.Rd1 Nc7 24.Qc5 e6 the d5-pawn might look well defended, however it has pushed back the knight to c7 and Black's pieces are still inactive. 25.Ne5 Nb5 26.Rc1 d4 does not help the pawn 27.Nc6 Qf6 28.Rc2 Re8 29.a4 d3 30.exd3 Nc7 31.Nb4 Nd5 32.Nxd5 exd5 33.Qxd5 White has gained two pawns and a substantial decisive advantage.

GM Deep Sengupta before and during one of his games | Photo: Official site

Top ten finishers in Group A | Photo: Official site

GM Deep Sengupta had to endure a lot of turmoil before arriving for this tournament. His arrival was in jeopardy, let alone winning the tournament for the second consecutive year.

The tournament hall at Sports hall at Konwiktorska in Warsaw, Poland | Photo: Official site

Replay all Category A games

A total of 109 players including 8 GMs, 3 IMs, a WGM and a WIM took part from 13 countries across the world in this Open A (>2000) category. The nine-day nine-round Swiss League Rating Open tournament was organized by Gen. Kazimierz Sosnkowski Chess Foundation at Sports hall at Konwiktorska in Warsaw, Poland from 9th - 17th July 2024. The time control of the event was 90 minutes for 40 moves + 30 minutes for the rest of the game, with an increment of 30 seconds per move starting from move no.1.

Final standings

14GMSengupta, DeepIND24912600M7.548.0051.00641.5
25GMRozentalis, EduardasLTU24802600M7.547.0051.00638.5
31GMKazakouski, ValeryLTU26032600M7.045.5050.00735.0
47GMJarmuła, ŁukaszPOL24322600KSz HETMAN KatowiceM7.043.0046.50633.5
512CMFiszer, BartoszPOL23352200KSz Polonia WarszawaM6.543.5046.50632.5
615FMKokoszczyński, JanPOL23142300M6.543.0046.50533.5
79IMDzida, KamilPOL23852450KSz Stilon Gorzów Wlkp.M6.542.5045.00532.5
820FMKoziorowicz, MichałPOL22852300KSz Stilon Gorzów Wlkp.M6.539.0042.50529.5
92GMKrasenkow, MichałPOL25202600KSz Stilon Gorzów Wlkp.M6.049.5054.00535.0
1010FMMiś, MieszkoPOL23512300KU AZS Politechniki OpolskiejM6.048.0051.50435.5



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